For all who desire to live this journey fully alive

For all who desire to live this journey fully alive

We help you lean into the invitation of abiding friendship with Jesus


We are not meant to journey alone.

Let’s pilgrim together.


a year of guided prayer and reflection

“Rest & Return has been a gift to me and my walk with God. Erin & Holly are deeply gifted in making space for quiet, reflection, and connection with God.”

“Rest & Return has been a gift to me and my walk with God. Erin & Holly are deeply gifted in making space for quiet, reflection, and connection with God.”

– Sarah Ann

Join me on the journey to unlocking your full potential.

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.
