We are not meant to journey alone.

Let’s pilgrim together.

About Me

My Mission is to Empower Your Life

My Mission is to Empower Your Life

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

The story of Pilgrim Collective begins with the story of our friendship.

For over a decade we have journeyed together, growing in our understanding and experience of contemplative faith prayer and practices. We have been students together at The Lydia Group’s School of the Spirit and Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction. We have traveled to Uganda, Spain, and the mountains of North Carolina to host and speak in a variety of retreat settings. As we have traveled together (both literally and metaphorically), we have become convinced that spiritual friendship is vital for the soul.

Maybe you are in an an isolated place, longing for spiritual companions; whether you feel hopeful and spiritually alive or stuck and spiritually homeless, wherever you are on your pilgrim path, we would love to come alongside and walk with you for a bit .

Let’s pilgrim together.

Meet Erin Kuehn

co-founder + writer + speaker + spiritual director

Erin is sensitive and she’d like to stay that way. She is a noticer and deep thinker, finding meaning in the meaningless. She thinks words matter and cares deeply about living with intention. And joy! She thinks the world needs more play and seeks to care for people in a way that aids their unadulterated communion with God.

Meet Holly Norton

co-founder + writer + speaker + spiritual director

Holly is a listener and a talker. A student and a teacher. A pilgrim and spiritual friend.
She wants to come alongside of others in their life and spiritual journey in meaningful and helpful ways. Holly recently wrote a book of guided prayers called Pause. She also teaches, speaks, and offers spiritual direction. She thinks the world needs a little more quiet, a little more space to be still and listen and reconnect to ourselves and God. That’s what she hopes to offer here at Pilgrim Collective.

We create and curate contemplative content

to help you deepen your friendship with God.

Spiritual Direction

Are you in need of a spiritual companion?
Let us accompany you on the journey of deepening your relationship with God.

Contemplative Resources

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